Amsterdam Law Forum (ALF) is now welcoming submissions from young academics and established scholars for its upcoming winter issue!

The ALF Board invites submissions of original scientific (legal) articles, commentaries and opinion articles. Manuscripts may address issues from a variety of international legal sub-fields, such as, inter alia, international criminal, humanitarian, human rights or business law. In addition, ALF welcomes articles illuminating the intersection of international law and international politics.

SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES should make a clear, original and thought-provoking contribution to existing scholarship and should comply with all requirement generally associated with scientific contributions. ALF strongly prefers and encourages contributions to be limited to 10,000 words (including footnotes) and will only consider contributions up to a maximum of 15,000 words.

OPINION ARTICLES are provocative, cutting-edge opinion contributions. This is more editorial rather than scientific in nature. As guiding principle, ALF suggests that opinion articles should be between 2,000 and 5,000 words in length (including footnotes).

COMMENTARIES include a variety of reviews of both contemporary and historic texts as well as key events as well as book reviews or case reviews. Commentaries must still reach a strong academic standard, be well-written, and appropriate length. You are welcome to comment upon both cutting edge scholarship and the very underpinning of the relevant fields of law.

Please note that articles must be submitted electronically through ALF’s official website following completed registration. Authors are further required to submit a bio-statement and an abstract along with the article intended for publication. Please be advised that ALF will only consider articles that are written in English (UK spelling) and conform with the journal’s guidelines. For more information, please consult the “Author Guidelines” on the Submissions webpage on our website: . For any remaining questions, please contact the board at and we will be pleased to assist you as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to receiving your submission!